Friday, August 30, 2013

Onesies Round Dos

Well I've been a busy little bee making some more onesies for some of my favorite people! I have attempted dying and so far, I think they turned out pretty good. My favorite is the pink ombre...I even made the flower AND dyed it! I kind of wish I had it in my size.  I am love my sweet boy Crosby and making him boy-ish stuff but I am glad I know some precious little girls to make things for and to have as models

Ummm how cute are tank onesies for girls btw?! And even cuter is Perry rockin' it with her big brown eyes and Little Hip Squeaks headband. Again, can I have this stuff in my size?! Charla was smart to snag her girl some headbands because they go FAST (because they are the CUTEST things ever. Crosby has his eye on some pants and a couple blankets).  And sorry for my overuse of the word cute, but come on. Really.

Do you remember when I posted the pictures of the "Made in Texas" onesie/shirt for Scarlett & Cros? Well here they are in all their adorable-ness! Love them. 

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