Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I Heart Fall.

 Annnnnd 3 Day weekends. Pretty sure every weekend should be one.  We did minimal laboring this Labor Day Weekend and had a very relaxed yet fun-filled weekend, which is just like I like em.  Crosby worked on his crawling skillz...he's STILL not quite there but so CLOSE! When he gets frustrated he just resorts back to rolling or sliding across the floor. Or giving up and hanging on his tummy with Harper!

We went with Sophie to a splash park/community pool and he just had the best time.  He was so in to everything that he literally would not look at the camera (duhhh Mah, this turtle is way more interesting than the camera!) At least Soph humored me by looking...

Now back to the title of this posting...
I heart Fall. No literally, I love summer and all and I LOVE being off work for the summer, but Fall you have my heart. Now that Labor Day is over, it's time to pretend it is Fall. I know it doesn't officially start for a few more weeks (and in Texas a few more months) but this teacher certainly had her first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season! 

Now I am just counting down the days until I can wear sweaters, boots, and scarfs everyday. Again, like I said, I won't be able to dress like this for QUITE a while, but a girl can dream right?!


At least with the TX heat I can enjoy a frozen pumpkin treat.  I am dying to try these Snickerdoodle Pumpkin Ice Cream Sammies!
Source & Recipe

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