Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Our Christmas Cards

So it's never too late for a little Christmas cheer right?! Haha.  Here is our Christmas card for 2013. Sorry for the terrible quality of pix...used my iphone so it's a picture of a picture.  Last year we did a chalkboard background and I am not ashamed to say, I wanted to do it again this year.  I am still not over the whole chalkboard craze.  BUT instead of doing the same thing 2 years in a row, I decided to do a craft paper/washi tape design.  Like I said in the last post I took pictures of Crosby and Sophie and then we also did a few family pictures (a FEW..... most of them were a hot mess) and this one was the only decent one of all 3 of us. So both of these pictures of Crosby also had sweet Sophie in them but I had to photoshop her out for the sake of people who don't know her being like "wait who is that girl??" 

And here is a bigger picture of our family pic...I think it looks way better in black and white :)

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