So nothing glamorous to look at or anything, but here are a few updates to our casa. We have painted {twice} the entry/living room/kitchen/dining rooms. We started out with builder beige and had two accent walls then covered that up with a pale gray….well that gray took on too much of a blue tone once dried and paired with cabinets/furniture and everything. SO we ended up taking the gray from the accent walls we had & lightened it up significantly. We already knew that tone worked in here, we just wanted a lighter version of it to make the room look bigger.
In the kitchen, we got all of the old backsplash knocked out and the new drywall up where the wall was damaged. The new baseboards are being painted, and we have tested out the concrete on one section of the countertops. More to come…
You can see in the pictures that there is literally CRAP everywhere….this is a major downside of tweaking your house but I guess on the flip side, I don't have to worry about doing my usual weekly cleaning haha! Just constant swiffering of the floors…
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